Employment Skills Assessment
We assess key areas like work skills, social abilities, and technical aptitude to support employment readiness and job success.
VR Job Coach / Job Development
Dear Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Client
A short background about myself and our company. I have a strong workforce development background, having worked for the Fresno Region Workforce Development Board in California as their Research Analyst and Contract Administrator in the Labor Market Information Division (LMID) before establishing Advantage Recruiting in 2008.
My Background
I have a passion for helping those who struggle to obtain gainful employment. I am also a champion for those who are under served and driven to help individuals who have barriers to employment. For the past few years, I have been involved with the Lake Mountain Special Needs Activity Program. A faith-based program designed to work with intellectually and developmentally challenged individuals in and around the Wasatch front.
Our Work
Advantage Recruiting understands both sides of the employment industry, which adds a significant measure of competency to both the job coaching and job development side of our service deliveries. We have a heart for challenged clients and, after obtaining our ACRE certification which qualified us, we became a service provider for the State of Utah Vocational Rehabilitation. We offer: Job Coaching, Job Development, Career Guidance, Job Placement, Job Readiness Diagnostics and Development, Job and Life Skills Training. Advantage Recruiting has been preparing and placing individuals in employment opportunities since 2008.
We look forward to being of service,
Rolland E. Brown Jr. | Job Coach / Developer |
(801) 995-0767 | ♛www.advantagerecruit.com
Empowering Vocational Rehabilitation Clients
Advantage Recruiting focuses on developing innovative workforce strategies to support our Vocational Rehabilitation clients in preparing for and securing sustainable employment. We are committed to improving access to employment and training services for the disabled community in the Wasatch Front. Through partnerships with nonprofits, community organizations, and the State of Utah Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, individuals will enhance their readiness for gainful employment, leading to self-sufficiency and improved self-esteem.
Ongoing Disability Employment Initiatives
Job Coaching and Development Services
We are highly trained job coaches and developers, dedicated to supporting you in the following areas:
- Work Strategy Assessment: In-person intake to assess your transferable job skills.
- Behavioral, Motivational, and Interest Assessment: Focused on job-seeking skills and career guidance.
- Life Skills Assessment: Evaluating work behaviors like social, communication, interpersonal, and time management skills in all settings.
- Employment-Specific Life Skills: Assessing life skills related directly to the workplace.
Advantage Recruiting will conduct a Work Strategy Assessment and provide a detailed report with recommendations.
- Work Site or Situational Work Assessment
- Independent Living Skills Assessment (Home Visit)
- Technical/Computer Skills Assessment
- Mock Interview Assessment (Interview/Resume Skills)
- Additional areas identified by VR Counselor, you, and Advantage Recruiting related to employment.
- Assess client’s work ability in a work site or situational setting
- Evaluate punctuality, ability to follow instructions, and completion of job duties related to the client’s job interests
- Activities could include office, janitorial, cashier, restocking shelves, grocery list, lifting duties, construction, medical, customer service, retail, etc.
- Observe social and interpersonal skills in all settings
- Client task: Complete a Master Application and return to Advantage Recruiting
The CRP Job Coach will meet with you at home, possibly with a family member or support system, to assess your support network and independent living skills.
- Observe social and interpersonal skills in various settings
- Assess hygiene and work-ready clothing
- Complete a transferable skills list
- Complete and return the networking list to Advantage Recruiting
(Conducted at DWS, Community Center, Library, DI, or other sites)
- Assess computer skills for employment (job registration and online search)
- Assess reading/writing skills via a Master Application to identify support needs
- Observe social and interpersonal skills in various settings
- Activity: Create Job Seeker Registration on jobs.utah.gov, utahfutures.org, gadball.com, or other sites to assess internet navigation and job search ability
- Complete typing test or computer skill test to assess job readiness
- Assess technical skills related to vocational goals
- Complete a 30-second commercial speech for employer introductions
- Assess time management (calendar use)
- Assess interview skills (ability to answer questions, etc.)
- Observe social and interpersonal skills in various settings
- Possible activity: Client dresses for an interview for the next session with Advantage Recruiting
- Observe social and interpersonal skills in various settings
CEO's Message on Goals
It is our belief that you will recognize the merits of our overall program goals and aspirations. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (801) 995-0767
- Rolland Brown - CEO
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Enhance Your Resume
Get your resume ready for success. Let us help you stand out with professional resume services tailored to your needs.