Keep your resume updated and tailored to the position

Make sure that your resume is well-organized and readable. When applying to a position, customize each application you send to match the desired skills listed on the job posting. This is especially important if you are submitting your resume through an electronic portal. Many employers use Applicant Tracking Systems technology, which scans your resume and searches for keywords to match …

How to Make a Good Impression After Your Interview

Following up after an interview is an essential step in the job search process. Sending a well-written and properly timed message will help your interviewer remember you after your initial meeting. To leave a lasting impression. A thank you note is your first follow up. You should send a thank you note to the hiring manager the day after your …

How to Measure the Cognitive Intelligence of a Person

Cognitive assessment exams or cognitive tests are types of psychometric analysis that are designed to measure the intelligence of a human or any other animals. Cognitive assessments are widely used to determine a person’s intelligence. The cognitive ability test consists of numerical, verbal abstract spatial and mechanical reasoning sections. These questions can be easy or difficult based on the level …

Why It’s Important To Have Direct Hire Agreements (DHA) In Place

DHA agreements in recruiting simply define the expected levels of service and the roles and responsibilities of both parties. Service-level agreements have proven to be one of the most effective ways to improve recruiting results, to increase recruiting consistency, and at the same time, to strengthen the relationship between recruiters and hiring managers. DHAs are necessary because under the current …

The Hiring Process: Things That Are Dragging It Out:

A hiring process that draws on too long is detrimental to both the employer and those seeking new employment opportunities. A recent study found that more than 57 percent of the 1,000 U.S. workers polled said the most irritating part of the job search process is waiting to see if they got the job. What’s more, one-quarter of those surveyed …

Attracting Top Talent As A Small Company

Today, it’s a race for most companies to win top talent over their competitors. But don’t assume that you don’t have a chance in the battle simply because you are a smaller business with a lesser-known brand. Here are seven key things that small companies can offer to improve talent acquisition in today’s highly competitive job market: Upward Career Growth …

How to Create a More Dynamic Interview Process

Though interviewing can be time-consuming for a hiring manager, its importance should never be underestimated. When your interview process is in peak condition, it enables you to get a 360-degree view of a candidate in a way that a resume simply doesn’t illustrate. From there, you’re better able to make a hiring decision that serves your company well in both …

Interview Red Flags You Need To Know About

There are many factors that can account for a candidate’s poor performance during an interview. Nerves certainly contribute, causing even the most put-together professional to blurt out something they’ll later regret. However, there’s a difference between a slightly embarrassing verbal misstep and a warning sign that should put you on high alert as you consider whether to bring this individual …

4 Things You Need To Know To Make The Interview Process Faster

The interview process requires a delicate balance. While it’s important to be thorough when vetting candidates, having a process that drags on can cause you to lose your top choice. As a recruiter or hiring manager, it’s important to walk the thin line between quick and effective without letting the quality of your hires decrease. Knowing which parts of the …